Tuesday 12 April 2011

Kettle's Yard

Finally I manage to unlock the secret of Kettle's Yard, luck was on my side as it opened 30min's early and so I and one other had the place to ourselves for half an hour before the teeming hoards arrived.

The sun was shining which is when this place comes to life. Kettle's Yard is built on viewpoints and reflection and so I had the perfect hour to nail it. If you want to see the difference 3 years of trying makes look back here

This nearly did not happen, I had the camera I had the spare batteries, but somehow I failed to pick up a spare memory card and I have this really bad habit of not deleting photographs, instead stuck in cyber space were two folders of named photographs, naming the file negates their removal on the camera so I had once again to buy yet another memory card, which for some reason was then unreadable. My heart sank but it soon lifted when I managed to access them via another camera. When I need a place to escape I can now close my eyes and revisit this slice of heaven.

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