Tuesday 27 September 2011

Fianlly getting back to what really matters

Obviously teaching matters, well ish, but it's an undervalued profession and I refuse to be bowed into think it is my career, it will forever be a stop gap and now finally I'm moving on. Not financially, but I am working on my art again,
I have been helped by a heavy room schedule which essentially ejects me from this seat and all the distractions you bloggers put out there. My home life too is currently volatile and I find this can also help me focus as there is little worth rushing home for other than domestic drudgery and recrimination.

To avoid painting I'm revisiting a project that must be at least 3 years old using oil bars, they're very messy but eliminate that dangerous design streak I have which makes everything look like a design for a tea towel. I blame my tutors for that.

So I'm blurring the boundaries.

Just in time for college!


Claire Cooper said...

Great to hear you're getting back into your own art. I got back into my art practice a few years ago, when I began an MA in Fine art & Education. - It was a lifesaver for my creative side. I now describe myself as an artist who teaches, rather than a teacher who does art. I hope it's as rewarding an experience for you as I've found creating to be.

indigo16 said...

I like the idea of an artist that teaches, and it is certainly how I feel, thank you for the support.

materfamilias said...

I'm so interested in following your progress over the next year or so, through your MFA. Contrary to what you seem to think, I already see you as quite productive as it is, but with the added guidance and the discipline of course requirements, you're going to be coming up with all kinds of artwork. Sadly, I suppose you won't have much time to share it with us, but I can be patient . . .